Ya know what I really hate? Somebody who thinks they can protrude into my bubble, MY SPACE. Urg! I just want to push them back and tell them to get out of my space! Of course I can't do that because most of the time when people intrude into my bubble, I am at work.
I have my own desk with my computer facing towards me and I face towards the member I am helping. That's fine, I don't mind when they are sitting in their spot where they are supposed to be. What really bugs the crap out of me is when they lean forward and look around my computer to watch every little thing I am doing! AHH!!!
Just let me do my work in peace people!!!!!!
Their whole bodies take up half of my working space on my desk which results in my having to be creative. For example, I pull out a notebook and fill out my work on the notebook while the member is staring at my screen that is FACING ME, and they don't even care that I pulled out a notebook or maybe even a binder to put my worksheets on so I can write on them. OR, I have to turn towards the other side of my desk so I can't even see my computer hardly at all, while the whole time the deer in the headlights is staring at my computer screen. They might as well start drooling so they can at least pretend they are watching TV or something. Good Gosh...
I try to inconspicuously (is that even a word? I don't care at the moment...) turn my screen away from their invading faces, only to be agitated more when they lean further over to watch my screen! I swear! What is the fascination of watching somebody work when you have no idea what the heck they are doing!
I know how to do my job, so just get off my desk, push your faces back to where they need to be, and get out of my space!
Sounds like you must have had a bad day. Sorry about that. Don't you just wish you could just smack some people sometimes. I wish I could do that to stupid drivers around me all the time!
Now I know I'm late on your last post, but I LOVE Halloween so I have to comment. This year I'm going to be a Hippie and Matt is going to be a mime. So we will be "Peace" & "Quiet" Get it? I'm excited. It will definitely not be as cool as my Cruela DeVil costume last year, but it will work. I don't know if you and Chris dress up together or only you go all out, but here's what we've done in the past: Wonder Woman & Superman; Cruela DeVil and Jasper; A Kissing booth and a Roll of Quarters (Kisses 25cents!); One year I went as "Cloudy with a Chance of Rain" - Just dress up as a cloud and carry around a squirt bottle and spray paople, it's kinda fun. Another one I've heard of but never done is to be "Gum under the bottom of a Shoe" just wear all Pink and stick a boot on top of your head. Don't know if that helps or not, but it's always nice to hear new ideas. Good luck with the costume search!!
Wow, that was a super long comment! Sorry!
Haha, Thats great. Gotta love the nosey ones.
I wasn't necessarily having a bad day, it just really bugs the crap out of me when people seem to feel that they can take up my desk just to look at my computer....it's one of my pet peeves :) Yeah, they can be kinda nosey :)
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