Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Boring Life of Catie, whom only about 2 people in this entire world read

So I am trying to be better at blogging again.

Can't promise I will, but I will try for my many (maybe 2) fans I have out there reading my blog :)

Well, needless to say, my life has been pretty gosh dang boring for the moment, all I have done is work, go to school, come home and work on the house.

My in-laws went to Cancun last week (the lucky buggers :)) and they came back with a nice tan. They brought us back some nice t-shirts, which I am very grateful for...Thanks mom! It was funny to watch them at church, because people kept coming up to them and asking about their tan.

Right now, I'm actually supposed to be finishing a paper for my Anthropology class, but ask me if I am :) I also have a test in Chemistry coming and I haven't really studied that much....huh...I guess I better get cracking!

Well that's about it for my boring life today, tune in next time for another chapter of
The Boring Life of Catie, whom only about 2 people in this entire world read. :) Ha ha
Later gaters.


Stefanie D. said...

Hey it's me your #1 fan! haha. Your life isn't boring. Your just in school and work mode right now. )

Catie said...

Ha, hey my #1 fan :) Yeah, Iam in school and working, but thats no excuse to be boring! :)

Kassie Jane said...

Catie. . . can I be a fan? I'm totally putting a link to you on my blog! www.kassiejane.blogspot.com

I'm private though so I'll have to send you an email invite if you'd like to see mine.

Catie said...

Yeah, i would love to see yours! Shoot me an e-mail so i can link you!

Stefanie D. said...