Monday, January 19, 2009


So my sis-in-law, Stef said she has been super bad at writing on my blog, ha ha, but I think I beat her at that! I'm not sure how long it has been since I last blogged, but all I know is that it's been a super long time! Maybe at least a month or so. My work downloaded a new block system on their computers, so I can hardly do anything online anymore, including writing on my blog.

Just to catch ya up, I am taking two classes this semester, chemistry and Anthropology.....Chemistry is great! I love that class! But Anthropology,'s kinda slow. If you don't know what covers that class, it's basically evolution, but not human evolution, just everything else, like birds, animals, and that sort of stuff. We are going over who discovered what and when they lived and all that sorts of far it is still boring.

This last week was Chris and my 3rd wedding anniversary! That was nice! I can't believe it's been three years already! WOW! I bought Chris the first season of Three and a Half Men, he loves that show! He will laugh his butt off at it. :)

Umm....and that's probably about it for right now, our house is still under construction, we are trying to finish painting it and getting everything ready to put back into the house, so the main living area is almost done! :) Yeah! I can't wait! :)

Well i've probably bored you long enough and i will stop writing,
So I will write later!


Stefanie D. said...

That's lame-O about your work.

Catie said...

Yeah tell me about it. So i found out my anthropology really is about human evolution...ha just has other things mixed in with it :)